
So many of you have grown to quite love and depend on my Monthly Support recipe, which is truly such an honor!

Monthly Support was formulated to provide gentle relief from cramping and discomfort and to boost nutrition, stamina & emotional well-being during and around menstruation. This medicine aims to fortify your whole being to naturally ameliorate the many symptoms associated with PMS and menstruation (from emotional sensitivity to anemic tendencies), so that you can move through your cycle with more comfort and ease.  

Though I’ve decided to discontinue this particular product (at least for now), in order to shift my attention and inspiration elsewhere, I’d love for you to still have access to it in your herbal medicine cabinet. Below you’ll find lot’s of educational information along with the recipe and directions!

Necessary Equipment:

Make sure that all of your equipment is properly sanitized and as clean as can be!

-2 big glass jars with lids- I use large glass canning jars. If you can get your hands on plastic lids, that’s extra perfect, but the regular metal lids will do the trick.

-Liquid measuring cup-

-A kitchen funnel-

-A sieve/ fine strainer-

-Cheesecloth- I sometimes use a fine mesh reusable nut-milk bag in place of cheesecloth, but it is difficult to get the smell of vinegar out of the bag.

-Parchment paper-

-2 or 4 oz amber glass dropper bottle- The size of the small bottle isn’t that important, whatever size you’d like to have around for use is perfect!

Organic Ingredients:

These ingredients should be pretty easy to find in the bulk herbs + spices section at your local health food grocery store.

-5T Fresh Beet Root- rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamin B6 and has an overall detoxifying effect; anti-anemic

- 2T Ashwaganda- antispasmodic (helps with cramping), anti-inflammatory, and supportive to immune system; adaptogenic (helps your body to better deal with the stress response), helpful with anxiety, nervousness, hormonal imbalance, impaired concentration, and sleeplessness associated with stress

-2.5t Rose Petals- anti-inflammatory, supportive to the nervous system and emotions (especially around issues of the heart)

-1.5T Rose Hips- high in vitamin and mineral content (Vitamin C, Vitamin A, vitamin E, B Complex, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc); anti-anemic

-3t Cinnamon Bark- anti-inflammatory, supports circulatory system, helps with cramping and minor fatigue

-1/4 cup Unsulfured Black Strap Molasses- excellent source of iron (anti-anemic), also a good source of vitamin B6, calcium, copper, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and selenium.

-750ml Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (with mother)- more health benefits than I can begin to mention!


In one of your big glass jars add all of your ingredients, except for the unsulphured blackstrap molasses. It’s easiest to pour in the liquid last so that things don’t get splashy!

Once all of the ingredients (except for the molasses) are in the jar, cover the lid of the jar with parchment paper (I try to leave plenty of paper hanging over the sides), then tightly screw on the lid. This keeps the acidity of the vinegar from compromising the integrity of the metal and possibly leaching into your medicine (oh no, scary!!!).

Store in a cool dark place, like a cabinet, and allow the vinegar infuse for at least 2 weeks, shaking up your jar at least 3 times per week for maximum extraction. Make sure you date and label your jar, so you know what you’re working with an how long it’s been doing it’s thing!

Once your medicine is done infusing, it’s time to strain! Set up your second sanitized jar with the funnel inside. Place the sieve inside/on top of the funnel with a layer of cheesecloth on top.

Carefully pour the vinegar infusion through the cheesecloth, wrapping it up in a little bundle so that you can squeeze the liquid out into the jar. You may need to dump out the contents of the cheesecloth and refill it with contents in order to get all of the liquid out as you strain.

Once you have your infused vinegar in the jar you can add the blackstrap molasses and use a clean wooden spoon to mix, or place a clean lid over the jar with fresh parchment paper in place and shake it up to integrate the contents.

You can transfer the Monthly Support into a small amber dropper bottle and label it for easy use.

Store in a cool dark place. The medicine should be shelf stable for at least 6 months.

Feel free to adjust the measurements to make a bigger or smaller batch depending on your needs.


Take 1-3 droppers full by mouth up to 3 times daily, beginning with menstruation or at the first signs of PMS symptoms.

***Not to be taken with sedative, hypnotic, or anti-depressant prescription drugs.

***Do not take if you have a sensitivity or intolerance to the nightshade family. 

***Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

All information provided about these herbs and products is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Please research and understand the effects, contraindications, dosages, etc. about the listed products before you purchase or use them. This is especially important if you are ill, pregnant or nursing, or administering it to children or the elderly. If you are taking medications or other herbal supplements/remedies, please consult your physician about adding herbals to your health regimen.


diy fire cider: radical folk medicine
